Société Homéopathique Internationale de soins de support en Oncologie
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International Homeopathic Society of Supportive Care In Oncology.

The IHSSCO is a learned society which aims to facilitate and develop the practice, teaching, research and promotion of homeopathy within oncological supportive care.


To implement the following:

  • Train health professionals.
  • Develop good practice standards.
  • Promote research and evaluation practices.
  • Encourage and support the publication of scientific articles.
  • Organise and take part in scientific conferences.
  • Develop information events among health professionals.
  • Develop health promotion events.
  • Develop prevention and information events for the general public, and any other action aimed at strengthening the objectives of the association.


To create a good quality training tool.

  • Advise and implement vocational training courses, in homeopathy as in oncology.​
  • Make an inventory of existing courses and propose new training.
  • Pass on our experience and the particularity of our respective practices to new learners.​
  • Organise an annual scientific convention.


To share experience with peers

  • To get to know each other better for better communication between us.​
  • To unify our practices through the creation of homeopathic supportive care benchmarks in compliance with the principles of similarity, individualisation and infinitesimality.​
  • To be able to inform a cancer patient who seeks a homeopathic doctor in their area.


To promote research activity

  • Share clinical research projects to promote their multicentre character and enhance the impact of the results by being able to recruit a larger number of patients.​​
  • Share our experiences as authors of publications, choose good reviews and the right topics, try co-writing with several authors, promote editing and translations of articles into English.


To establish a communication pathway

  • Share articles and interviews already given in order to speak with one voice in the medical and general press, avoiding traps and pitfalls most often encountered.
  • Being attentive to conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry to retain freedom of thought and speech. Our scientific credibility demands transparency as regards our links with laboratories.​