Société Homéopathique Internationale de soins de support en Oncologie
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Humanity and knowledge sharing

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Humanity and knowledge sharing

Magnificent 6th Strasbourg Shisso Congress on June 28 and 29 at the Clinique Ste Barbe of the Groupe Hospitalier Saint Vincent.

A very intense program with top-quality speakers who shared their knowledge and practices in a spirit of humanity, listening and kindness.

Whether with palliative care specialists Dr Xavier Mattelaer and Dr Joëlle Pecqueur

Breast cancer: oncologist Lionel Uwer and Drs Véronique Lavallée, François Roux, Jean-Claude Karp and Jean-Lionel Bagot

Papillomavirus cancers with Dr Frédéric Rimaz.

Gynecological surgery with Prof. Cherif Akladios and Dr. Isabelle Fischer

Integrative oncology with surgeon Dr Bart Devos and Dr Dominique Ambros.

But it was above all Joëlle Dubel’s testimonial (available on the website) that moved the audience and truly put the patient at the center of the debate.

Many thanks to all the speakers and the fifty or so delegates who attended the two-day event, and who are looking forward to the 7th congress on May 2 and 3 2025 in Strasbourg.